Not too long ago the most commonly used buzz word used during debates was "intolerant." Though I for one never quite thought that "tolerant" sounded like a ringing endorsement either, I did see the obvious ways the intolerant was being used.
And now a new word has taken its place- its unambiguous, ugly and is getting thrown around way too much: Hate (hatred, hating as well of course)
Whether we're talking politics, religion (or any numbers of issues us Facebook users decide to bring up), somehow debate has taken yet another step away from civil discourse. Once upon a time the phrase. "Agree to disagree" was said so often it nearly lost all meaning and now I'm wishing for it to make a comeback. As I said before "intolerant" does not have enough zing anymore, it doesn't show the world just how right we are and perhaps above all, it fails to show those who disagree with us as the subhuman mobsters they so obviously are. Hence we went looking for a new word to settle all our woes and we found an oldie but a goody: Hate.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the word should never be used, far from it. Its just that nowadays it is being used too freakin' much. Perhaps most sad of all, when it is used its too often directed at people 1) instead of actions and 2) even when such people have shown no signs of their own hatred.
Yes I am putting own my proverbial Christian hat here, but the Bible clearly teaches us to hate the sin, not the sinner. Will we always succeed? No, most likely we will fail and hate the sinner more than we hate the sin they committed
The word "hate" fascinates me for some reason and so I have decided to toss it around in a few postings.
One small request- when someone disagrees with a choice or action of yours consider it might be coming from a place of love and not hate. Perhaps they care about you so much they "hate" what is happening to you which often makes them realize they "love" you even more than they thought.
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